Sunday, October 4, 2009


"Ninety-nine percent of babies born now survive without any major problems."

This is a quote from the week 35 description in the The Pregnancy Bible. While I did find this comforting, I still have that nagging feeling that they only survive if you find out something is wrong in time. With Joshua and Caleb we had no idea there was anything wrong until they had already died in utero. That is what scares me. I still find myself struggling with the fear that I could miss the signs or not realize I hadn't felt him move and it could be too late. Sure the statistics are good but if it's too late then it's too late. This is just one of those struggles that I will continue to pray about and I will turn to God for the comfort and peace that only He can give me. It's the comfort and peace that I'm not going to find in any book. I will continue to praise him even through my moments of worry because I have SO much to be grateful for!

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