I hope no one has hurt feelings from not being told sooner for from finding out this way. It is of course not my intention to hurt anyone. I just have a very hard time telling people. I don't know what scares me about that. The news has been answered with nothing but wonderful feedback. I think it just makes it so much more real and the more real it is the more I'm going to focus on it. The more I focus on it the more I can worry. I'm praying a lot about this and to be honest I've been so amazed at my lack of worry. God has given me so much comfort. I think I worried more when I first found out I was pregnant with the boys than I am now. I'm not going to say I'm not scared because I am but it isn't consuming me like I thought it would. I pray that gives hope to all you mommies to angels out there. It just isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. My doctor has been amazing about letting us come in and have an ultrasound anytime we want to and that has eased my mind a lot because I've taken her up on that offer. We go in about every two weeks.
Today I am 14 weeks and 1 day. We've had several ultrasounds (all of which you can read about and see pictures of in past posts). I've been blogging about it along the way but I held off on actually posting until I was ready for everyone to know. I'm still not sure I'm ready but at the sametime it is such a blessing and I don't think blessings should be hidden. I want everyone to know how wonderful God has been to us! I do find it hard to tell people for some reason though. I don't want people to worry or to be sad if something terrible should happen again. I want to protect everyone from that but I know I can't live in fear of what could happen. I think I was really ready to wait until there was a baby screaming in the background before we told people but Wayne had other plans :-) I was really grateful that he sent those flowers because, not only was it SUPER sweet, it made it easy to share it with people that I work with. I wasn't sure what the reaction would be but they were all so wonderful to me about it. I'm am blessed to be surrounded with people that really care about me.
Now that our secret is out, I ask you for one favor. Pray. Please keep us in your prayers. Prayers for a healthy baby and for two parents that are surrounded by God's incomprehensible comfort and peace. I am blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people as we hop on and buckle our seatbelts for our next journey.
1 comment:
That's it...you officially have the sweetest husband in the world! I'm so happy you feel comfortable sharing the news about your little blessing now. Dot looks beautiful and I can't wait to come visit when she makes his (notice the switcheroo) first apperance! I promise to keep praying for you and Wayne and of course little Dot.
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