At this appointment Dot was measuring 11weeks 3 days and her heartrate was 158 BPM.
We had another appointment on April 24th, 2009, which also happened to be my 30th birthday. I struggled with whether or not to make this appointment. I wonder if I'm not being faithful by having all these appointments but then I know there is the other side that says that God gives us resources for a reason. In the end I decided it was my birthday and all I wanted was to hear Dot's little heart just beating away. I got to do that with Wayne and my mom by my side, which only added to my joy.
When we told mom the night before that we had this appointment she didn't say anything but the look on her face was screaming "PLEASE LET ME GO!!!!" I have a hard time doing that because she was there with me the first time I got bad news, when we lost our first baby to an early miscarriage. It broke my heart that she had to see it and I didn't want her to ever have to go through that again so I guess I feel like I'm protecting her (I do a lot of thinking I'm protecting people these days) instead I'm just stealing these priceless moments she could be enjoying. So we let her come but we made her stay in the waiting room until we saw that everything was fine. Then she got to come back and she her perfect little grandbaby just a squirming away. As usual our ultrasound technician was very patient with us. Here are Pictures of Dot at 12 weeks 3 days:
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