STATS coming after your appointment |
That dog is going to seem like a bad idea more and more for these pictures! |
Dear Knox,
So that happened. 180 days have past since you were born. You are officially halfway to a year. In some aspects when I think back to the day you were born, it seems like it could have actually been 6 months but when I think about how fast you've changed it seems like it's just gone SO fast. I have no idea if you are my last baby. But what if you are? It's probably a good thing that we don't know if you are the last because this day would be even harder if I knew you were. I just want to really be in every moment that I have with you. I want to remember every smile and every snuggle and the way you smell and the way you love to hold my hand when you fall asleep. I don't ever want to forget the 6 month you!
You are seriously such a good baby. You cry pretty much when you're hungry or you want to just be held. At times I get irritated that you just want to be held, when I'm in the middle of something but if I stop and really think about that, what a blessing it is. You are comforted by my touch. You just want to be with ME. I'm SO grateful that my touch can do so much for you. I'm overwhelmed by the privilege of being your momma, the one that you just need sometimes. How sad my days are going to be when I'm not just needed anymore.
Because I don't want to ever forget, here's a look at you at 6 months old...
Eating: You are eating about 5 ounces at each feeding. The timing of your feedings are still unpredictable. In the mornings, you still don't really want to eat much but in the evenings you want to eat about every 2 hours. That's newborn stuff kiddo! We tried to give you rice cereal, let me rephrase that, Daddy forced me to give you rice cereal by threatening to do it when I wasn't there. He thought it was time, and he was right. I was putting it off. It's not my favorite. You're messy... not just you, all babies are messy. I guess you have to learn to eat at some point, or at least I hope you do. You weren't a fan of rice cereal so I tried oatmeal. Not a fan of that either. We might just have to skip both and try some sweet potatoes but because your momma is a rule follower, I'm going to wait until we go to the doctor on Monday for your 6 month check before I make any decisions. In the meantime, you're happy with your bottle and I'm happy to not have to feed you with a spoon :)
Eating in the bath. Awesome! |
First taste of rice cereal... you didn't know what was coming |
First try with oatmeal... not loving it either. |
Your favorite way to eat and go to sleep, in a headlock. |
"DON'T touch my paci!" Yes, you are still scratching your face. Do they make those mittens for 6 month olds? |
Sleeping in your headlock again :) and yes, your eyes are partially open. They always are. It's creepy. |
Ty caught us both napping and snapped a picture. Good work Ty! Caught sleeping on the job! |
Snuggles in the chair. I love when you sleep on me!!! At least I wasn't asleep for this one! |
Clothes: You are between 6 and 9 month clothes now. Some 9 month stuff is a little big. I've never had a kid who's clothing size was actually close to their age before. Weird. Your brothers, especially your oldest one was probably in 12 month stuff by this point and he sure wasn't only drinking 5 ounces in a bottle either! Still no idea on shoes. You'll be lucky to have those even when you're walking. You are in size three diapers now. I still squeeze you into size two's every now and then but lucky for you, your aunt is expecting a baby so I'm going to use the rest of the size two's for a diaper cake. You're welcome.
Hoping size threes will help prevent this. You thought it was very funny though! |
One of my favorite outfits you're wearing right now That's a hand me down shirt from Maddox :) |
New Things: You are very steady sitting now. You still fall over occasionally but for the most part you are really steady now. You are occasionally holding your own bottle. Awesome!!! I think that's about all for the new things department but you changed so much from 4 to five months I'm okay with that!
You also have your first Christmas under you belt and your first Christmas Eve dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse :)
Meeting Santa |
First Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's You'll learn that Christmas at their house is way better than Christmas at ours! |
Crazy hat dinner on Christmas Eve at the Japanese Steakhouse I forgot your hat. Fail. |
I love how your big brother is always checking on you! |
You have started to "sing" yourself to sleep, just like Ty used to do. You only do it when you are sleepy and facing out on someone's lap. It's so cute!
Case is still your absolute favorite form of entertainment! You just light up anytime you see him and you still laugh the greatest belly laughs when you watch his antics (which no one else quite gets). I don't think anyone else thinks he's nearly as funny as you do!
![]() |
What Case gets What I get |
You like hanging out with your Ty Ty too! |
I can't wrap my mind around the fact that you'll be a little boy running around in the midst of all our chaos soon. It just breaks my heart to think that pretty soon you aren't going to need to hold my hand to go to sleep or need me to hold you just because. You're going to go and grow up just like your brothers did. I am excited to see who you become but no rush there kiddo! Take your time and just be little. I love you Knoxy!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this post. It's amazing how big he is already! And now I can honestly say at this age he is looking a lot like his daddy did between the ages of 5 to 9 months...In some of the photos he looks almost identical! He such a happy baby :-)
Love ya all!! ~Tina
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