Monday, October 31, 2016

22 Questions with 7 Year Old Case

1.  Where is your favorite place to go?  Holiday World and Conner Prairie
2.  What is something you are really good at?  Basketball
3.  What's something that you think is really hard?  Tennis4.  What is your favorite color?  pink, purple, and red
5.  What is your favorite toy?  Digimon toys
6.  What is your favorite TV show?  Digimon (thank you Netflix)
7.  What is your favorite movie?   Pokemon the movie
8.  What makes you laugh?  When Daddy tickles me
9.  What are you afraid of?  lights that flicker
10.  What do you like to do with our family?  go out and eat dinner together
11.  What is your favorite animal?  orangutan and cheetah
12.  What is your favorite song?  The main Digimon song (Digital Monsters)
13.  What is your favorite book?  Lego Minifigures Character Encyclopedia
14.  Who is your best friend?  Cora, Avery, and Isabella
15.  What is your favorite food?  cake and Jimmy Johns and Subway turkey and cheese
16.  What is your favorite drink?  orange juice
17.  What is your favorite game?  hide and seek and tag
18.  What is your favorite thing to play outside? Digimon
19.  What is your favorite sport? basketball and swimming
20.  What is your favorite holiday?  Halloween
21.  What do you sleep with at night?  Puppy Dog and Bunny
22.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  computer programmer

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