Well almost 18 months... that's right I'm posting EARLY!!!
Sleeping: You usually get up around 7:30 but you like being in your bed for a while before I come get you so this is my cue to shower and then go in. I love that you've learned to love playing in your bed just like Case does. You go down for a nap around 2 and get up around 4:15. Then it is bedtime at about 8:30. If we're out you're happy to stay up later but you definitely start melting down when we're at home. You have really turned into a great sleeper!

Eating: Hmmm... I don't have a clear answer for eating. You would probably still prefer to drink your diet in milk and want your solid foods to only consist of sweet things. There are days where you eat really well but most days it's kind of a battle. You tend to do well with any snacks I give you with your meal but that's about all I can count on. You seem to do ok with chicken nuggets, turkey rolled up, and cheese. That's all I got. I tend to plan meals based on what I think Case will eat because you're such a wild card. You are usually only getting milk during meal times now to hopefully give your teeth a chance to not be one giant cavity like mine were. You aren't always pleased when we hand you a sippy cup with water instead of milk in it at bedtime but you don't complain too much. For snacks you like granola bars, fruit snacks and suckers or any other candy that you can score.
Your first grocery store cookie |
The aftermath of said cookie. |
Your first Twix... you were a fan! |
Toys: You love to play with the trains on the train table and you like to drive cars on the floor as you say "vroom". You like blocks and stuffed animals. You still love to be read to. I love to walk in a room when I notice suspicious silence only to find you flipping through the pages of a book. You love to carry Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse stuffed animals around and to bed. You also love to climb... on pretty much anything!
This fan was on the floor but you kept playing
with it so I put it on the dining room table...
guess you showed me! |
Clothes: You are wearing 18 month clothes pretty comfortably but you can go to a 2T in shirts. I guess you have a long torso and short legs and a small waist. Some 12 months still fit you in the waist but they're too short. 18 month stuff is a better length but is usually kind of big in the waist. 12 month and some 18 month shirts are belly shirts on you now! I guess I won't be purchasing any 2 piece sets for this fall.
New Things: You are SO ticklish. When I try to unzip your jammies you won't let me because your neck is too ticklish and you just scrunch up into a little ball giggling and saying "tickle". It's so funny!!!
You love to "sing" along to the alphabet song and you really shine when you get to s and x. You are starting to count, thanks to the three little bears sitting in chairs in the book Goodnight Moon.
Bedtime Routine: You are all about Mommy (or Grandma if she's here) for bedtime. Daddy tries to take you sometimes but he always carries you back out with his head held in shame saying "he wants Mommy". I'm not gonna lie... I love it! We read Goodnight Moon and rock in the chair but now we barely finish it and you point to your bed. When I ask if you want to go to bed you say "Yesssssss!" There's no more snuggling and rocking happening around here.
Words: yes, no, stop, fast, Ace (Case), Mommy, Daddy, monkey, doggy, cat, Grandma, drinky, snacky, Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, choo-choo, hiding, tickle, please, thank you (although this sounds more like "welcome"), grandma, I was going to try to put a list together but I can no longer keep track of all that you are saying. Everyday I'm shocked by the words that you know. I can't keep up anymore. I think you are talking more quicker than your brother did. Case loves to "teach" you to talk too. I always giggle when I hear him tell you "can you say Bo?" and you do, "say on" and you do, and so on and on and on. You're a very good student for Case :)
I love dressing you in matching clothes :-) |
Sage's tutu... you loved it! Daddy on the
other hand did not see any humor in this
picture! |
Such a good dresser! |
Your favorite seat at Grandma's house, the
corner of the island where decorations used
to sit but clearly you are all the decor her house
needs! |
Yes that's you eating tissues... luckily they
weren't used. |
You love being silly with Grandpa! |
Hanging with your brother :-) |
First Easter Egg hunt... you were content
with the first two you picked up. |
Hanging out with Daddy |
Your Easter outfit + a sweatshirt. You
looked so stinkin' cute! |
Sound asleep in the swing at the park. You
always get so relaxed in a swing. I love this
picture of you!!! |
My sick baby :( |
Waking up all smiles! |
Case taking you for a ride |
Daddy is your jungle gym! |
Playing baseball with Mommy. Grandpa was our pitcher. |
Apparently this is not a grocery cart, it is a Ty cart because
that is all you ever want to put in it! |
First trip to the dentist... you did great! |
I love this outfit!!!!!!! |
You love to countdown before going down the slide! |
You and Daddy on Father's Day. Your shirt says "My Dad is Rad" |
Big boy haircut |
snuggling with cousin Bethany |
I can't believe you are 18 months! Time is flying and I never want to forget who you are today. Your smile makes me so happy and the way you giggle with Case (especially when getting in trouble) brings me so much joy I can't put it into words. I know I'm biased but I think you are such a handsome little boy but I can't believe how fast you've gone from baby to little boy. So forgive me for the extra hugs and snuggles you're getting from me right now... I don't ever want to forget this part!!! I love you so much Ty!!!
Mommy :)