Everything looked great at that appointment and we even got to see our little guy in 3D. It was really cool to get an idea of what he will look like. My parents, my grandma, grandpa, and Poppy all went with us to see what technology has done to the baby industry. They were all amazed at what they saw. It was really neat to have them all there.

At that appointment he was still transverse, meaning his butt was under the left side of my rib cage, his head was under the right side of my rib cage and his feet were busy beating up on my bladder :-) He was measuring about a week ahead but his fluid and everything looked great.
Today I saw the doctor again. I had to go without Wayne and that made me a little nervous. I find comfort in him being there with me but understand that he has to be at work and appreciate the flexibility his boss has given him for all the other appointments (of which he let him go to a LOT). I shared my concerns about induction and she said she wouldn't induce me unless I had progressed some one my own. If I haven't then she thinks I'll be fine until she gets back. I guess we are in wait and see mode. She listened to his heartbeat and it sounded perfect. She thinks he has flipped so that he is no longer transverse but is now head down and facing my back with his little feet tucked in front of him. This explains some of the different movements I've been feeling but it also makes it much more difficult for us to pick up his heartbeat on our doppler. I told her there are some days where I worry because I haven't felt him much and other days where he moves quite a bit. She said that if he isn't moving enough to put my mind at ease then I need to come see her and she doesn't care if I'm in there every 5 minutes. I LOVE HER!!! She is very understanding of my fears.
I will go back to see her again in two weeks. At that appointment I will be hooked up to the ETS machine to watch for any contractions. She said she is just doing this to "pick on me" because everything has pointed to being perfect throughout this whole pregnancy. I said "pick away". She'll never have to explain being extra careful to me. I'll take it. She is also going to go ahead and have me do another ultrasound just to verify that Case is in fact head down but she thinks he feels like he is. After all that I will see her again and from then on starts the weekly appointments. I can't believe it! We are getting so close now!
I still feel the nerves creep up on me every now and then but God has given me a lot of comfort through all of this. I think it's most difficult to think of having showers or buying things for him because it all means that I believe he is going to be here safe and sound, which I pray that he is but know that so many things could still go wrong. Wayne and I actually bought him a couple of outfits last weekend. That was a big step for me! Wayne is so much better at keeping his trust in God and not letting his fears take away from the joy that God has given us. He is a great example for me to follow.
Here are some updated belly shots from the past few weeks...

Today we are 34 weeks. Only 6 weeks away from our lives being changed forever. Only 6 weeks away, God willing, from holding our baby boy in our arms, our living, breathing, crying, baby boy.