I can't believe it but Case is now 7.5 months old. My little boy has been here for over half of a year. That seems crazy to me. I know everyone said to enjoy him because he would grow up so quickly but it is impossible to wrap your mind around that until you've experienced it. It's amazing because I was pretty sure during the first month or so of his life that he was never going to get any older and I was NEVER going to sleep again. Now I know he has gotten older... much quicker than I anticipated and I am sleeping more... no not a lot but definitely more.
Since my last post Case has started to giggle A LOT more. The sound of his hearty belly laugh just fills me to the brim with joy. There's nothing better than that sound!
He has also made it through his first real illness. He had this runny nose and cough that lasted for several weeks and started to get worse. I took him to the doctor on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend because I just wanted to make sure his lungs sounded fine since we were headed into the long weekend. The doctor said he sounded fine and thought some of this might be related to teething. Well today as I type this there are still no teeth in his mouth! Two days after that appointment Case spiked his first fever. It was 102.6. I freaked out a little, my husband would probably say a lot. Wayne called the doctor on call and he said we should take him to immediate care so we did. That doctor diagnosed him as having an upper respiratory infection and started him on Amoxicillin. Case was hardly eating by this point and if there is something Case is really good at it is eating so I was worried! It took over a week for his eating to get back to normal but not to worry folks... he's back:-)
Tell me his isn't the most pitiful thing you've ever seen!
Case's newest obsession is walking. He wants, very specifically I might add, to hold your two index fingers and take off. He isn't interested in crawling, as he only gets the rocking motion right and then gets frustrated and ends up moving backwards but walking totally interests him! I'm a little afraid of him becoming mobile because I rather like leaving him in one spot only to return and find him still in it. He on the other hand is no longer content being still. Wayne thinks he will be walking at 9 months... I guess, God willing, we'll see.
Oh I almost forgot to share his hair issues with you. Now this picture had a little help from Daddy but it isn't far off from what his hair usually does. It is starting to fill in but he has the weirdest cowlicks that I don't know what we'll do with it.
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