The envelope please...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Envelope Please
The envelope please...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Taunting
Fear. I don't know how to describe it with this pregnancy. By the Grace of God, it doesn't consume me every minute of every day but there are moments where it takes my breath away. Before the last appointment on Wednesday, May 13th, I would say that fear had completely taken over. Two days prior to the appointment I had got the lovely stomach flu; or at least that's my best guess of what it was. I wasn't able to eat much on Monday and I came home that evening and stayed in bed from the time I walked in the door until late in the day on Tuesday...that is with the exception of frequent bathroom visits. I don't know if that is where the worry came from but I was sure that we were going to get bad news when we went for our ultrasound the following day. I managed to go to work that morning but that fear was constantly in the back of my head. Something just kept telling me that this was it. I was a mess. Wayne knew how I was feeling and I think I got him pretty worried too.
When we got to the ultrasound, I lost it when we saw that beautiful little heart beating away. The baby looked perfect as she has at every appointment before that one. It took everything I had not to just sit there in tears for a few minutes. I was so relieved and grateful for that little baby moving around on that screen. Even sitting in the waiting room before I went back to see the doctor, after the ultrasound, I was still having trouble holding it together.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wayne Says it's Time to Share
These are the flowers that Wayne sent to me at work last week. Why? Well you can imagine that was everyone's first question. My birthday had past and our anniversary isn't until June. I wasn't even sure who they were from (I assumed my husband but my parents do stuff like this too) and then figuring out why was a whole new question. A group of us were on our way out to lunch when the receptionist stopped me to tell me that when I get back I have flowers to pick up. Right then my co-workers knew about the flowers. There was some speculation on who they were from and what they were for...I really just didn't know but I couldn't wait to get back and find out. When we returned we took the flowers to my desk and opened them. With my co-workers waiting paitently to hear who they were from and what they were for, I realized it was time to share. I let each of them read the made it easier than me actually sharing. The card read "We made it throuh the first trimester! I love you! -Wayne". At that point our secret was out. Now that I've shared it with most of my family and some of my friends (some are going to find out this way or I'll tell them soon) I figured it was probably time to share it with the rest of the world. So, world, I'm pregnant!!!